Exams, excuses, etcetera.


This comes precisely after. . . 42 days. No, I didn’t calculate that. My time is too precious to search for a pen and paper, so I just Googled for 300 seconds till I found a date difference calculator that calculated the answer for me. Time saver, eh?

So. My previous stand on posting regularly stands broken. But I got excuses. Cheers.

My semester exams were there last month. FIFTEEN DAYS, can you believe that? It stretched for 15 days, which translates into 4 theory exams, 4 internal assessments, 4 practical exams with 8 vivas. With no gaps in between. So you practically cram, cry and crumble into a half-alive badger after it. I still get nightmares about it.


Then I sat down to make a To-Do List *mental oh-em-gees* which stretched over 50 bits with stuff like ‘Blog regularly’, ‘Clean that garbage you call your room’, ‘Buy fish’, ‘Get a hair spa done, YOU FILTHY WOMAN’ etc., and by the next day the paper stood crumpled and torn into the same number of bits inside the bin.


Soon, our beloved Ganpati Bappa came visiting. In fluffing his cushions, modaks and arranging the mandatory show of ‘O my friend Ganesha, tu rehna sath humesha’ for my little sister some more days slipped by.


After a tearful goodbye and see ya next year to Ganesha, I realized that the only thing that I’ve actually got done over the past 9 days of holidays is order novels, order some more novels and finally end up reading Pathologic Basis of Diseases by Robbins & Cotran. Oops.

On a serious note, if there’s one thing I’ve done past these few days, it’s to put myself in the slot of first priority. Holidays earlier used to be this designated self-love time when you could curl up on a chair with your racy novel sipping on cool drinks. These days, it’s simply an extension of your normal busy life minus your college/ work (for professionals) as people keep pinging you with messages and constant updates thanks to social media. The first thing I did over these holidays was to stop being available 24×7 to people except my loved ones and keeping social media to the bare minimum.  And I feel happier. Voila! Digital detox, all the way.

So, these were my excuses for putting off updating my blog. But here’s another promise to update my blog frequently.

Yeah, really.


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My holiday reads. First batch.


  • I’m listening to : The soundtrack of ‘OK Kanmani‘ by A.R. Rehman. It’s melodious, jazzy, straight from the heart, poetical lyrics. Definitely on repeat for the next few weeks. ‘Locked Away’ by R.City ft. Adam Levine. Adam Levine. Need I explain? It’s on repeat. Then I got ‘Honeymoon‘ the latest album of Lana Del Ray. My life’s made. Ok, bye.
  • I’m watching : HOUSE. Enough said. And in movies, I loved – OK Kanmani (A bold take on the challenges of live-in relationship. It’s fun. Cute. And that awesome soundtrack.), Silence of the lambs (Watch it for Dr. Hannibal Lecter, the cold-eyed psychiatrist cum murderer, with a smile playing on his lips. Loved his character. Most favourite villain I guess.), Catch me if you can ( Leonardo DiCaprio !!! ), Manjhi ( Nawazuddin Siddiqui owned it.)
  • I’m reading : After the crash by Michael Bussi. Not entirely through it. But it’s a pacy thriller that will keep you hooked. I got some other novels but thanks to my reader’s block, i’m reading at a snail-pace.

That’s it.


Parnini 🙂

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