Self Quarantine and Thoughts : Day – 1

It’s a strange feeling to be back home. I had never planned on being back. Three days back I was completely unaware that my life will take such a turn that it will initiate a series of events leading up to this, but then, there’s a strange peace at being in a place that’s familiar to me in these stranger times too.

I have travelled about 2000 kms in the past three days by whatever means of mode possible as trains and buses and all modes of transport are being cancelled. I have taken a flight from Chennai to BBSR, a car from BBSR to Bam and back and a near death car ride from BBSR to Rourkela ( my home ). No long hugs, no contact, as the situation demands – a sanitizer, masks, gloves lie on my study desk as my sister is in the midst of her boards which now stands postponed till further orders, and I need to maintain a safe distance from her.My maa still can’t resist herself and keeps on pampering me with home cooked food all the while maintaining a safe distance, as she has to sleep next to my sister in her room. And, I’m struck by a strange feeling. It’s a wonder, at how many simple things we have taken for granted till today.

This is a strange world now. You don’t need social media influencing, you don’t need to know 10 different ways to style an outfit, you don’t need #ootd, you don’t need to take that dangerous selfie to appear cool on Instagram, you don’t need amazon delivery boy bringing you a parcel each day, you don’t need to post a picture of #whatsonmyplate everyday, you don’t need to make your life happening everyday… You just need to live. Life has been forced to the bare minimum.

You yearn for a touch, hug and contact with your loved ones. You yearn for fresh air and long walks. You yearn to sit on beaches and watch the sun set and rise again. You want to go out with your loved one again. You love the humdrum routine of braving the traffic and making to your work again. You yearn to interact and crib about work to your colleagues again. You appreciate every morsel you get. Your parents talk of going back to village. White supremacy and materialistic life has been banished overnight; simplicity and minimalism have come to fore again.

I don’t need that Goa trip in August of 2020. I just need a beach and my friends most of all. I don’t need concerts and dinner dates. I just need a meet with my loved one. I don’t need the latest outfit in the shade of lilac. I need to wear something to go out again (if I can). I don’t need an exorbitant bank balance and a penthouse apartment ten years down the line, I need to be able to live somewhere with the one I love, near the ones I love going to a work that leaves my brain semi happy and even if not I can discuss and crib it over a cup of tea with my partner at the end of the day.

Nature in it’s most indigenous ways has brought the human race down to the knees and given itself time to heal. May we survive this. May our loved ones survive this. May we learn from this. May we value every meet, hug, kiss we get. May we value meaningful human contact. May we value our world, before it’s too late; or is it too late?