PARASITE – #AMovieReview

There are movies you watch, and there are MOVIES. The last time I felt this mind fucked was when I had watched Gone Girl. I try to avoid dark movies / series by choice (life is already grim enough) but after being repeatedly recommended I had to watch this.

The movie starts off, and you are latching on to a sort of predictability considering the reviews you’ve heard. As it progresses you get gripped by a sort of uneasiness, as you watch a family out from the sewers literally latch on to the Kim family as “Parasite”s, you wonder if this is what the movie was all about? Because, honestly, the class difference movies where you try to use your poverty to dupe someone rich as your birthright without working for a life, irks me to no end.

Then there is a sudden twist on a rainy night and you are introduced to the actual parasite living in the sewers below – the commotion that unfollowed is borderline comical. Soon, though the scene changes into something entirely unpredictable and the main thinking point of the movie as the family escapes out of their borrowed piece of Cinderella life and are ejected into the sewers where they came from. As the aspiring con guy yet naive at heart Kevin beseeches his father over the royal catastrophe that their plan had become, you resonate with these characters for the first time across the movie – What kind of plans do not fail? No plans at all!

A soothing jab to my dreamy self at the beginning of this year thinking 2020 will be mine; that a tiny virus couldn’t ruin it.

The climax is an outburst of class difference, solitary confinement and Stockholm syndrome. The part where Kevin realises that you cannot borrow someone’s life, and you have to create your life if you want to enjoy it permanently is where I gave it another 💯. If you are looking for your next movie in this dreary lockdown – This is it!