Namma Belagavi

Its the day 4 of quarantine and I am sitting in my hostel room living a life built from scratch – even the laptop I type this in is brand new – a gift I got for getting into residency in one of the most prestigious colleges of Karnataka.

Do I miss my family back home? Honestly, I don’t. I am 26 now. The thing about this age is that – you have progressed in your life through a vast series of trials and tribulations to not get stuck in one moment forever. You have lost enough people to understand that people are not here to stay. You have felt enough emotions to know that be it happiness or sorrow – each is fleeting. You sit in a crowd and yet your emotions can be separated from the rest.

Its a blessing and a curse.

A blessing because moving on and missing is an art almost rusted and lost to me. A curse because – that innocence is long gone.

It’s raining again – not a new thing I suppose for Belgaumites – yahan bin baat ke mausam ko romance soojhta hai – as someone had introduced me to this place and I am seeing that with my own eyes. Every evening, every once in a while, the sky embraces grey and pours a little bit of love on its inmates. I always thought Rourkela was heaven – but I have been transported into a similar one. Just I have a wider selection of hangouts and I don’t have to wait for a vacation to have zinger box from KFC as there’s one right at the campus entrance 😛 The crowd is cool – just like Manipal, and the campus is huge and green – just like NIT, Rourkela. My hostel like IIT Madras’s M.Tech hostel. My hostel room – well its a paradise.

See my point? Once you grow up, everything you do reminds you of something before. The innocence of feeling things for the first time is gone. Just like the people I talk to here. We are not fresh undergraduates who have come here wide eyed in search of experience – we all have baggage that we have put on the floor for awhile, hoping this place will make us forget it or at least make carrying it easier after three years of residency.

But does that mean I am bitter? No, not at all – I am just better and hope that this betterment continues exponentially in this place. I am excited – I am making so many new friends – a compensation for all the friends I lost once I moved from undergraduate to post graduation. I am shit scared – residency is very tough they say, and I am not sure how it will pan out for me; but I am in love – with this life I have created, the friends I have found, and the moments I am living.

Cheers to three years of what I hope are the best years of my life.

