A tale of halves

I loved people in halves

I liked his smile more

His voice less

And when the other’s baritone cooed

I like the person he was even less

I loved people in halves

I loved someone’s stature

Loved other’s might

And when in the end I had to choose

In loneliness I chose to reside

I wonder why it was like this

Why my heart couldn’t love


Was it battle scars from previous lovers?

Was it childhood trauma?

Or was it solely

And only

Because i myself had always been loved in halves.

Some liked my smile

Some pulled my cheeks

Some like my banter

Some just liked how I made them feel

But every time it got ugly

And bruises popped up in places I showed them my past’s lair

They ran –

They ran like there was no tomorrow

They ran like a person didn’t exist beyond good times and good words

And all the nights I was left to pick pieces alone

I learnt to build myself in halves

I learnt to love people in halves.