
Wondering if I can find a nook
A corner
In your arms
Where I can lie all day
And not count the hours passing by (for once)
I could turn all the leaflets in the world
And there still will be more (aren’t there more?)
Of this life I’ve been dreaming
This love I’ve been growing
For you
For us
Without knowing it’s meaning
Or worth.

I could count the strands of your hair
I could touch all the wrinkles you got in your face
From worrying about letting me go by
For I want to tell you
I’ve come
I’ve come all along
From the days of distance
From the days of pain
I’ve fallen for you
In more than several ways
And still less than one
That I love you
(I love you)
In all the unsaid ways
In all the careful embraces
In all the careless concern
In all the said
More, more, more
Yet less than you love me.

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